Your Word Has to Be Your Bond
Have you ever had someone in your life who says that are going to do something and just never seems to keep their word? Maybe you have a best friend who is a great friend overall, but just seems to fall short in the following through department. You can choose to continue your friendship and accept that they just are absent minded or inconsiderate, or you can choose to not have that person in your life anymore. I am very much a believer in accepting people for who they are, but there are limits.

That Time You Felt Like a Fraud!
take great pride in being an amazing therapist. It has taken some time to get here for sure. I have gotten here because I know this is my life’s purpose. I have also gotten here because I have received confirmation from clients, former clients, other therapists and the Universe, time and time again. I am a damn good therapist!

I am Woman, Sorry…NOT Sorry! 6 Important Life Lessons Women Need to Hear
The past no longer exists, the future is not here yet, so all we really should be experiencing is the present moment. This very moment as you sit where you are and read this. We spend too much of our time as human beings living in the past. As women, we spend a lot of time regretting a lot of our past instead of learning from it. That is where the uncomfortable feelings come from. We often think that if we stay present we will be uncomfortable but that is a myth. The uncomfortable feelings come from the lack of being able to change the past or control the future. We spend too much time worrying about a future that we have no control over.

5 Characteristics of a Great Marriage